Coach and Manager Dugout

The Coach and Manager Dugout has been designed for all the coaches and managers who give their time to the Cordova Girls Softball Program. Our ultimate goal is to help you succeed in your efforts to teach the game of fastpitch softball to your players and provide them with a positive experience. The information provided on this page is a small part of the instructional and support materials available to you. Please feel free to contact your division representative or any board member if you would like more than what is provided on the website. We will also add updated material throughout the year.

Code of Conduct:

Our players, the parents and others involved with our league have the right to expect our coaches and managers to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects well on our organization and all who participate. We expect each staff to lead by example and portray great sportsmanship! Coach/Manager Code of Ethics

Parents and Spectators Code of Conduct:

Our players, the parents and others involved with Cordova Girls Softball have the right to expect our Parents and Spectators to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes great sportsmanship.


Practice organization is the key to your success. Before your team hits the field, you must have a plan on how you want to run your practice and the skills you want to cover. You will also want to keep track of what you have already covered as the season progresses.

Practice Organization:

It is VERY important to run a well organized practice. You have the girls for a short period of time for practice. Get the most out of the time you have by preparing a practice plan and getting volunteers to help you run the drills that will sharpen your players' skills. We have attached a sample practice plan for your use.


The best way to keep players excited about coming to practice is to change what you do from one practice to the next. Create excitement with some games that are fun, but also help teach the fundamentals they need to learn the game. ALWAYS, end each practice with a fun game. We will post different games that you can use. The girls think they are playing a game, but really they are learning skills at the same time.


ALL coaches MUST attend our coaching clinics. Even the most seasoned coaches continue to learn and attend clinics. A coach never knows it all. Instruction will be provided on how to set up practices, understand the rules, and learning more about pitching, hitting, catching, and defensive techniques. Two coaching clinics will be held this season. Dates TBD.

Scorekeepers Clinic - TBD

Umpire Clinics: TBD - Click on the Umpire's Corner for more information.

Helpful Documents:

Practice Organization
Practice Games